your passport to conversing in German

Mastering German Conversation
This intensive course is for those who wish to be able to converse in German: hear, understand, speak. This course can be used by its self, or to flank other learning methods that focus more on reading and writing.
German is a technical language. The grammar rules are especially tricky to apply in a free-flowing dialogue. These Mastering German Conversation courses provide hours of verbal practice in staged conversations. At the end of the courses, you will be able to correctly and automatically apply the grammar rules in free-flowing conversation.
The courses also cover vocabulary associated with travel, business, and social encounters.
Mastering German Conversation Set 1
Running Time: 8 hours, 30 minutes
1) Gender: der, die, das
2) Case: nominative, accusative, dative, genitive
3) Adjective endings
4) Vocabulary: airport, train station, hotel, restaurant, weather, etc.
Mastering German Conversation Set 2
Running Time: 6 hours, 40 minutes
1) Accusative prepositions
2) Dative prepositions
3) Genitive prepositions
4) Two-way prepositions
5) Vocabulary: airport, train station, hotel, restaurant, weather, etc.
Mastering German Conversation Modal Verbs Unit 1
Running Time: 2 hours, 27 minutes
1) Modal verbs: können, dürfen, mögen, müssen, sollen, wollen
2) Introduction to future tense with the auxiliary verb 'werden'
3) Verb: sich lassen
4) Vocabulary: travel, shopping
Mastering German Conversation Modal Verbs Unit 2
Running Time: 1 hours, 49 minutes
1) Vocabulary for around the house
2) Modal verb drills using the new vocabulary
3) Introduction to past tense with auxiliary verbs 'haben' and 'sein'
4) Introduction to subjunctive tense with the auxiliary verb 'hätten'
5) Additional instruction and drills on the future tense using 'werden'
6) Vocabulary: airport
Mastering German Conversation Perfect Tense Unit 1
Running Time: 1 hour, 58 minutes
1) Introduction to 150 of the most commonly used verbs with their past participle forms
2) Explanation of when to use the auxiliary verb 'haben' and when to use 'sein'
3) Practice with 'sein' and 'haben' verbs in the present perfect tenses
4) Vocabulary: in and around the office; initiating, accepting and having phone conversations; scheduling appointments
Mastering German Conversation Perfect Tense Unit 2
Running Time: 2 hours, 24 minutes
1) Intermediate practice with 'sein', 'haben' and 'modal' verbs in the present perfect tense
2) An introduction for comparison constructions
3) Vocabulary: in and around the office; travel; weather; ordering food and drinks in a restaurant
Mastering German Conversation Perfect Tense Unit 3
Running Time: 2 hours, 55 minutes
1) Advanced practice for 'sein', 'haben' and 'modal' verbs in the present perfect tense
2) Advanced practice for comparison constructions
3) Additional vocabulary useful for office and social life
4) Interwoven is advanced practice for correct application of gender, case and adjective endings
Mastering German Conversation Future Tense and Passive Voice
Running Time: 3 hours, 30 minutes
1) Future tenses: standard future, future perfect, immediate future, intentions and assumptions
2) Passive voice: for accusative object, for dative object, without a subject
3) Passive voice tenses: present, simple past, perfect, future
4) Alternate passive constructions: auxiliary 'sein', auxiliary 'man', modal verbs, perception verbs
5) Vocabulary useful for social life
6) Interwoven is practice for correct application of gender, case and adjective endings
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