your passport to conversing in French

Mastering French Conversation
This intensive course is for those who wish to be able to converse in French: hear, understand, speak. This course can be used by its self, or to flank other learning methods that focus more on reading and writing.
Our Mastering French Conversation courses provide hours of verbal practice in using the presented grammar. At the end of the courses, you will be able to correctly apply the grammar in free-flowing conversation.
The courses also cover basic vocabulary associated with typical travel encounters.
Mastering French Conversation Unit 1
Running Time: 3 hours, 10 minutes
1) Definite Articles: le, la, l'
2) Subject Pronouns: je, tu, elle, il, on, nous, vous, elles, ils
3) Question Forms: est-ce que, intonation and inversion
4) The verb 'être'
Mastering French Conversation Unit 2
Running Time: 3 hours, 35 minutes
1) Indefinite Articles: un, une, des
2) Cardinal Numbers
3) Negative Adverb: ne ... pas
4) The verb 'avoir'
Mastering French Conversation Unit 3
Running Time: 3 hours, 30 minutes
1) Demonstrative Adjectives: ce, cet, cette and ces
2) Preposition 'à'
3) Question Forms
4) Verbs with the Infinitive Ending '-er'
Mastering French Conversation Unit 4
Running Time: 3 hours, 41 minutes
1) Possessive Adjectives
2) Indefinite Articles: du, de la, de l', des
3) French Numbers up to 100
4) Prepositions: chez, à
5) The verb 'aller'
Mastering French Conversation Unit 5
Running Time: 3 hours, 28 minutes
1) Indefinite Adjectives
2) Noun-Markers in Negative Constructions
3) Large Numbers
4) Impersonal Verbs
5) The verb 'faire'
Mastering French Conversation Unit 6
Running Time: 2 hours, 41 minutes
1) Review of Units 1 - 6
2) Travel oriented vocabulary, phrases and sentences
Mastering French Literature
This series is for intermediate to advanced level French students. We use higher level French text as a basis for training listening, understanding and speaking.
Our 'Mastering French Literature' program consists of three main parts:
1) An audio dictionary of words and phrases from the text.
2) An audio of the text for training your listening.
3) Guided imitation drills for training your speaking abilities.
La Pétition by Frédéric Bastiat
Running Time: 2 hours, 57 minutes
This audiobook is based on the classic 'La Pétition' by Frédéric Bastiat, who wrote numerous articles concerning political economics in the mid-1800s.
In this satire, Frédéric Bastiat presents himself as a lobbyist vying for laws benefiting the ‘illumination industry': manufactures and producers of candles, lanterns, oil, etc. The proposed laws are to create a monopoly by excluding foreign competition. The suggested goal is to increase the profits for domestic producers. Once the producers increase their profits, the whole economy of France shall benefit. It turns out, however, that the foreign competition to the domestic ‘illumination industry' is none other than the sun.
In detail, this audiobook contains:
1) 300 'La Pétition' terms, with translation
2) 300 'La Pétition' phrases, with translation
3) 'La Pétition', narrated by Dr. Annette Brians
4) 100 guided imitation drill terms, with translation
5) 200 guided imitation drills
With this module, you will grow your political, agricultural, and economic vocabulary.
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• Explanation of Method
• Examples of Audio