About Us
we offer the premier verbal communication training program for students of foreign languages

Our Vision
Students of our language learning program will speak with more confidence, fluidity, and accuracy than students of any other language program.
Our Mission
We assist foreign language students in learning to speak their target language at high levels of excellence. We do this by developing and providing the absolute best tools available for learning to converse in foreign languages.
The Developers
Scott Brians [Master of Science in Electrical Engineering] has used different approaches to learning foreign languages: classroom, computer programs, workbooks, recorded lectures, trips to the countries, translation-based, etc. After those experiences, he believes the Foreign Service Institute's guided imitation method has proven itself to be the most effective tool in teaching how to converse. Scott is responsible for lesson design, grammar notes, audio engineering, marketing, and distribution channels.
Annette Brians [Doctorate in Communication Psychology], a native German, was sent to England and France by her parents at a young age to learn the respective languages. In high school, she achieved the highest grades for the International Baccalaureate subjects English and French. Later on, Dr. Brians received the highest language learning certificates available for those languages from the University of Passau, Germany. Dr. Brians is responsible for editing and is the voice for the German and French audio courses.