
Mastering German Conversation
These audio files are excerpts from our Mastering German Conversation series. Please download the transcript to follow along. It is expected that the student performs the drills multiple times before being able to do them correctly in the time allotted. As you work with our drills, your ability to instantaneously understand and respond will improve greatly.
Set 1: Unit 1: Grammar 1
- der, die, das in the nominative case
- Introduction
- Vocabulary - slow
- Vocabulary
- Vocabulary Phrases A-1 through A-4 - slow
- Vocabulary Phrases B-1 through C-1 - slow
- Vocabulary Phrases A-1 through A-4
- Vocabulary Phrases B-1 through C-1
- Learning Drills A-1 through A-2
Set 2: prepositions
- accusative, dative, genitive, two-way
- Introduction
- Unit 1: Vocabulary - Verbs
- Unit 1: Vocabulary Phrases A-1 through A-4
- Unit 1: Learning Drills A-1 through A-4
- Unit 2: Learning Drills A-1 through A-4
- Unit 4: Practice Drills B-1 through B-4
- Unit 6: Time Review A-1 through A-4
- Unit 6: Conjugation A-1 through A-2
Set 3: modal verbs
- können, sollen, müssen, mögen, dürfen
- Introduction
- Unit 1: Learning Drill A-2
- Unit 1: Practice Drill A-4
- Unit 1: Lexical Drill C-3
- Unit 1: Gender and Adjective Drill B-3
- Unit 1: Conjugation Drill A-1
- Unit 2: Lexical Drill B-1
- Unit 2: Gender and Adjective Drill A-2
Set 4: perfect tense
- formulating past actions with the auxiliary verbs 'haben' and 'sein'
- Unit 1: Irregular Weak Verbs
- Unit 1: Learning A-1 through A-4
- Unit 1: Lexical Drills B-1 through B-4
- Unit 2: Lexical Drills C-1 through C-4
- Unit 2: Practice Drills D-1 through D-2
- Unit 3: Lexical Drills B-1 through B-2
- Unit 3: Practice Drills B-1 through B-2
Set 5: future tense and passive voice
- formulating future actions and structuring the passive voice
- Standard Future Tense: Learning A-3
- Passive Voice with auxiliary "werden" for Accusative Case: Learning A-1
- Excerpt of Dialogue Vocabulary
- Dialogue: Lexical A-2
- Practice A-3
- Mastering B-1
German Vocabulary Drills: slow version
Select Words
Basic Vocabulary
- Grammar 01: grammar
- Grammar 02: pronouns
- Grammar 03: possessive pronouns
- Grammar 04: questions
- Grammar 05: conjunctions
- Grammar 06: modal verbs
- Grammar 07: 'der' words
- Grammar 08: prepositions
Time Expressions
- Time Expressions 01: units of time
- Time Expressions 02: the weekdays
- Time Expressions 03: the months
- Time Expressions 04: the seasons
- Time Expressions 05: during the day
- Time Expressions 06: when
- Time Expressions 07: holidays
- Time Expressions 08: with prepositions
- Time Expressions 09: telling time
The Weather
German Vocabulary Drills: native speed version
Select Words
Basic Vocabulary
- Grammar 01: grammar
- Grammar 02: pronouns
- Grammar 03: possessive pronouns
- Grammar 04: questions
- Grammar 05: conjunctions
- Grammar 06: modal verbs
- Grammar 07: 'der' words
- Grammar 08: prepositions
Time Expressions
- Time Expressions 01: units of time
- Time Expressions 02: the weekdays
- Time Expressions 03: the months
- Time Expressions 04: the seasons
- Time Expressions 05: during the day
- Time Expressions 06: when
- Time Expressions 07: holidays
- Time Expressions 08: with prepositions
- Time Expressions 09: telling time